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Current Requests for Proposals (RFPs)

May contain: tree, plant, path, trail, outdoors, nature, sycamore, oak, road, vegetation, tree trunk, grass, and gravel

Current Request for Proposals

Information Technology Managed Services 

The District is seeking comprehensive information technology managed services. The Contractor will provide support for hardware (including servers, switches, workstations, laptops, and tablets), network, software, technical support ("help-desk") services, back-ups, remote access, on-site support, email maintenance and security, inventory management, cybersecurity, and disaster recovery.

To successfully manage these services, the Contractor is expected to work and communicate effectively with District staff, officials, and other vendors to make District technologies and systems seamless to the end users.


Companies requesting clarification of this RFP shall email all questions by or before July 10, 2024, to David Weisgerber, Community Outreach Supervisor, at 





Monday, July 8

Robert Livermore Community Center

4444 East Ave at 10 am.


Proposal Submission: An electronic proposal or hard copy must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, July 22, 2024. 

RFP AvailableJune 25, 2024
Site Walk-Through (Non-Mandatory) July 8, 2024 at 10am
Deadline for Submittal of QuestionsJuly 10, 2024
Staff Responses to QuestionsJuly 12, 2024
Deadline for Submittal of ProposalJuly 22, 2024
Proposal Review and EvaluationJuly 23-August 5, 2024
Interview for FinalistsAugust 6-8, 2024
Notice of Intent to AwardAugust 9, 2024
Agreement Preparation and ApprovalAugust 9-16, 2024

All dates are estimates only and may be subject to change.  Contractors are responsible for checking for updates to the schedule, answers to questions, additional documents, and addendums, which shall become part of this RFP as if fully set forth herein.



Proposals by mail should be sent to:

Livermore Area Recreation and Park District

4444 East Ave.

Livermore, CA 94550-5053

Attention: David Weisgerber, Community Outreach Supervisor

Electronic proposals should be sent to David Weisgerber, Community Outreach Supervisor, at 

What was the annual spending for the previous year on this Project? If this is a new Contract, What is the annual Budget for this? 

There is a budget for this contract. This year’s approved budget can be found here: We kept the budget consistent as in previous years to give flexibility during this RFP process.

As the RFP states, the award shall be based on a "best value" evaluation. Criteria used for the evaluation will include fulfillment of the scope of services, cost, technical approach and understanding, qualifications and experience, client relationship management and communication, monitoring and documentation, and distinguishing characteristics.

In the RFP, it states there are 160 employees with 110 full-time. It also lists 44 desktop workstations and 42 laptops. Are some of the employees not using any computers? Are some of them using email only on their personal devices or tablets issued by LARPD? 

As a Recreation and Park District, we have many employees who work in the field in parks and programs. Those employees access email on shared District computers or district-issued mobile devices. We also have part-time employees who are not issued emails, such as lifeguards, camp staff, etc.

Other than Office 365, are you using any other cloud services? 

In addition to Microsoft 365, LARPD utilizes a number of SaaS applications, including zoom, adobe, activenet, Clear Company, and UKG, among others.

Can you provide a detailed list of the current technical environment, including any network maps? 

Yes, please email to receive current technical environment.

Are the backup appliances owned by LARPD? 


Does LARPD purchase their own anti-virus or EDR software? 

No, this is currently included as part of managed IT services.

Are you currently working with an outsourced IT services provider or do you have internal employees providing support? 

We are currently working with an outsourced IT provider that works in conjunction with LARPD Staff.

Can you tell me how you arrived at 32 hours per month for on-site support? Are you currently needing a lot of projects taken care of or new setups that require a lot of hands-on work? 

The onsite support hours have fluctuated based on District needs over the last few years. The 32 monthly hours can be adjusted based on District needs and contractor recommendations. 

If a new managed services provider is selected, will a transition period be available for knowledge transfer? 

The new agreement is scheduled to begin one month prior to the end of the current agreement for knowledge transfer.

Is a project being planned to replace the older IT assets? 

No projects are planned as most critical infrastructure has been upgraded. Future projects can be identified as part of the initial assessment.

Does an Incident Management Plan exist, or will the incoming service provider need to develop one? 

An incident management plan is in place with our current provider. We’d look for the awarded firm to recommend any updates to an Incident Management Plan.

Has an external network penetration test been performed in the last couple of years? 


Is Great Plains under a maintenance support agreement with a 3rd party provider? 


For cybersecurity measures, do you have a preferred vendor or specific requirements for the EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) and antivirus solutions? 

We do not have a preferred vendor. We are looking for the awarded firm to recommend an EDR vendor and antivirus solutions.

Do you prefer continuing with a technician already contracted for 32 hours a month, or are you open to our staffing personnel? 

Onsite support is expected to come from the awarded firm.

What term of agreement is being requested? 

The proposed contract term is two (2) years, from September 1, 2024, to August 31, 2026, with three (3) one-year extensions at the District's discretion. 

Can you specify the response times required for different severity levels of IT issues? 

We would work with the awarded firm to make a recommendation that would fit the District's needs.

What are the expected service levels for the IT managed services in terms of availability metrics or SLA (Service Level Agreements)? 

Final standards can be discussed; our current objectives are as follows. 

 Urgent (Priority 1)High (Priority 2)Medium/Low (Priority 3/4)
Alert Receipt10 minutes from event30 minutes from event60 minutes from event
Validation15 minutes from receipt60 minutes from receipt1 business day from receipt
Escalation30 minutes from validation30 minutes  from validation30 minutes from validation
Field Escalation60 minutes from escalation90 minutes from escalation120 minutes from escalation


How should the contractor interact with other vendors managing separate aspects like the phone system or website services? Are there existing protocols for vendor coordination? 

Vendor coordination will be conducted by LARPD staff.

For the planning and project management tasks, what are the expected frequencies for project status updates and review meetings? 

Expected frequencies for project status updates and review meetings will be determined by project needs.

Are there specific project management tools or platforms that the district uses or prefers for tracking project progress? 


Will the information shared by one MSP by shared with another MSP or the public? 

It is our practice to keep proposals confidential during the bid process. An awarded contract would become part of the public record.

Regarding the infrastructure maintenance and management, how frequently are the activities expected to be reported that are conducted on a "weekly basis"? Are there specific formats or metrics you require in these reports? 

That can be determined as part of the agreement. It is currently validated, and reports are sent through email. 

What are the current capacities of the network equipment, and are there any planned upgrades or expansions? 

The current network equipment is 1 GB with 2 TB backends. There are no current plans to upgrade.

How much data is on the servers that need to be backed up? 

10-15 TB

Do you want a 24x7 Security Operations Center (Managed Detection & Response) included in the solution? This is more advanced than a typical EDR at additional costs. We just need more clarity here to ensure we are aligned with the asks. 

An EDR is sufficient for our needs.

Do you want a vulnerability management solution? 

We currently use bitdefender as part of our Managed IT Services and would look for similar measures. 

Do you want a security awareness training program in place? 

Yes. We currently use knowbe4 as a security awareness program. 

What is the software being used today for data backup? 

We use Axceient as a software/hardware solution as a data backup

What are the key major software applications being used? 

Adobe, Microsoft 365, Teams, Sharepoint, Activenet, Fortinet VPN, Online Server Hosting Great Plains Accounting Software, UKG (Kronos), Clear Company

What specific compliance standards must the managed IT services adhere to, considering the public nature of the District's operations? 

All US-based support, District Record Retention Policy, and Asset Purchases are subject to the Public Records Act, HIPPA , and ADA Compliance.

Are there particular data privacy laws or standards, such as HIPAA or GDPR, that need to be considered in managing data security? 

HIPPA is considered with HR files.