About Us

Mission Statement
To provide the people of the Livermore Area Recreation and Park District’s service area with outstanding recreation programs and a system of parks, trails, and facilities that enhance the quality of life.
Created by a Vote of the Public
The Livermore Area Recreation and Park District is a multifaceted agency created in 1947 by a vote of the public. The District is governed by a five-person, elected Board of Directors, each of whom serves a four-year term.
LEGAL AUTHORITY, HISTORY AND ORGANIZATION OF THE DISTRICT.pdfThe Livermore Area Recreation and Park District (LARPD) provides neighborhood parks ranging from two to twelve acres in size; community parks with such amenities as an equestrian center and rodeo grounds, sand-based all-weather soccer fields, and soccer and ball fields; open space parks totaling 1,360 acres; and special-use parks.
The District provides community classes, youth and adult sports, aquatics, environmental education, and senior services and special events.
District funding comes from program fees, property taxes, and a special tax. The agency also obtains funding through the City of Livermore’s parkland dedication or in-lieu fees for new park development.
District Boundaries
We provide recreation and parks for the 243.5-square-mile area bounded by Contra Costa County to the north, San Joaquin County to the east, Santa Clara County to the south, and Pleasanton and Dublin to the west.
LARPD Strategic Plan 2024
The LARPD Board of Directors approved the District's updated strategic plan on March 27, 2024.