Calling all wildlife photographers! Have you captured a picture in one of our open spaces worth sharing?
We are collecting photo submissions for our next "Picture This" contest at Sycamore Grove Park (SGP)!
Send your pictures to for a chance to be featured at the Wetmore Entrance at SGP. Please include your name so we can properly credit you.
(Please note: The submitter agrees to allow LARPD to use their submitted photos in media and publications. )
The next theme is "THE SEARCH FOR COLOR."
Late summer in Sycamore Grove Park can feel dull. The dryness, the oppressive heat... It can feel empty, boring, and lackluster. We are challenging you to find some vibrancy, life, and COLOR along the trail!
Please submit photo entries before September 30th to be considered.
Wildlife Theme Winners
California Quail - Shelley Danner
Great Horned Owl stretch - Mari Prieto Conaway
Anna's Hummingbird - Lisa Tarte
Bobcat Pouncing - Bill Conaway
Bobcat and Wood Ducks - Lisa Tarte
River Otter - Bill Conaway
Wildflower Theme Winners
credit: Mary Prieto - Purple Owls Clover
credit: Christine Cardosi - Paintbrush
credit: Bill Conaway - Flowergarden
credit: Shelly Danner - Blue dick wildflower
credit: Eric Whiteside - Buckeye
April '24 Winners - Macro theme
credit: Kinnon Ernst - Mourning Cloak Butterfly
credit: Bill Conaway - Hoverfly sampling almond blossom
credit: Eric Whiteside - Crab Spider Mules Ear
credit: Bil Conaway - Downy Feather
credit: Bil Conaway - Silvery Blue Butterfly
credit: Eric Whiteside - mushroom
Feb '24 Winners - Birds theme
credit: Kinnon Ernst - Acorn
credit: Bill Conaway - Kingbird
credit: Sue Griffin - Cedar Waxwing
credit: Shelley Danner - Great Blue Heron
credit: Bill Conaway - Acorn
credit: Karen Parkinson -Red Tail Hawk
credit: Sue Griffin - Nuttall's Woodpecker Pair Chatting
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